Join Us For a Special Event Featuring Experts To Help You With Your Game
Play Your Best Golf Workshop With Chris Stires, PT, Outlast Health
Thursday, April 3 5:30-7:00 PM
Cost: $40
Pine Ridge Golf Course
Join Outlast Health & Performance and BGA Instructors to learn the principles for a successful golf preseason, how to individualize your preseason training to maximize performance gains and reduce injury risk and how to best prepare for successfully maintaining your body and game throughout the entire golf season ahead.
1. Perform a movement/mobility screen on each participant
2. Review corrective exercises for mobility, movement and strength restrictions
specific to participant’s screening results. Have participants try the exercises.
3. Video swing analysis
4. Discuss general principles to a successful off-season program and how you
can create an off-season program specific to your needs
5. Discuss general principles to a healthy season
By attending this event you will accomplish the following:
-Learn where weaknesses exist within your range of motion, strength and balance
that could be affecting your golf swing and golf game overall
-Learn exercises that you can be performing to address weaknesses found
-Get visual feedback on your swing and swing mechanics
-Learn how to best prepare your body to be injury free and playing at your best
not just for the first month of the season, but the entire season
-Learn strategies for recovery between rounds
Combination Yoga and Myofascial Release for Golfers
Hosted by: Catherine Behrent
Warm up with some basic yoga poses that will be most beneficial to helping your golf swing.
Catherine will teach us myofascial release and show us how to use massage balls to help bring blood and oxygen flow into the muscles to help them function at their best.
You will leave this session feeling energized and ready to play!
Cost: $25 per session
90 Minutes
Please bring a yoga mat, block and massage balls if you have them. If not, Catherine will supply.
Professional Summary: Teaches Yoga for Stroke Survivors, Tafiya Yoga, GBMC Hospital, Baltimore, Md., and yoga therapy privates for individuals and is an artist, teacher, golfer, mother and grandmother.